We are constantly working with students who are seeking knowledge outside of the classroom. Students who desire real-world business knowledge and understand that decisions they make today, can affect them for a lifetime.

Below are our humble statistics. Your donation of time or money can help make a change in the outlook for many.

Member Statistics

Average Semester Enrollment: 28
Students in Program: 64
Active Alumni Members: 149


Enrollment numbers are categorized by the semester. Usually the Fall semester freshman class is our biggest enrollment period. Spring and upper class students have also joined our membership as we continue to grow.

The average member comes from a diverse background. There is no one group of students that make a great member. Affluence, religious, political backgrounds are all  welcomed.

We strive to offer real-world education through the eyes and experiences of small and medium business owners and professionals who donate their time to help students understand the path they choose now can be long-lasting and ultimately beneficial to themselves and those around them.

Our active alumni are our main source of education material. Their personal testimony about their professional and personal life experiences help provide the insights that no classroom can offer.

The young adult today has no experience in the proper steps to making life decisions. There is no class on how to be a law abiding, upstanding, contributing member of society on any college campus.

We strive to be that missing class.